Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Regd editorial

Barb Leon, RN, MSN, PHN’s New Book ‘Walking Onto Sacred Ground’ is a Collection of Memories From the Author’s Career as a Nurse Shared...

CANTON, Ohio - August 16, 2022 - (

Fulton Books author Barb Leon, RN, MSN, PHN, a registered nurse who found her calling in caring for cancer patients, has completed her most recent book "Walking onto Sacred Ground: Sharing a Registered Nurses' Career in Oncology and Hospice, to Diminish the Fear and Anxiety About Death": a beautiful examination of the peace and serenity found at the end of life.

"Death, a subject not talked about freely by many of us, is commonly ignored although it is an important discussion to have," shares Leon. "The lack of this discussion results in a continued fear and anxiety that surrounds this finite end of life as we know it. As a registered nurse, it is my belief that dealing with these emotions rather than avoiding the subject of death is to understand our role in life, to realize we are all mortals, and that it is our destiny to live and die.

"This life event is something none of us can bargain ourselves out of although we may feel we need to stay on earth forever for our own personal reasons. When we acknowledge that we have such a short period of time to live, and we have only this one life on earth, then this will hopefully allow us to live life to the fullest. Rather than procrastinating what we wish we could do tomorrow, do what you wish to do today and stop living in fear and anxiety.

"In all my years of being present during a patient's death, this moment, as the end of life as we know it, should not be feared. Do know when I reflect on the patients I cared for in the hospital and in the hospice setting present for the end of life, their passing was serene, peaceful, without pain, and without fear."

Published by Fulton Books, Barb Leon, RN, MSN, PHN's book draws from the author's vast experiences as an oncology and hospice nurse and attempts to demystify death and what occurs at the end of one's life. Though a natural part of life, Leon acknowledges the anxieties that often surround death, and she uses her stories in the hopes of easing these tensions.

Readers who wish to experience this relevant work can purchase "Walking onto Sacred Ground: Sharing a Registered Nurses' Career in Oncology and Hospice, to Diminish the Fear and Anxiety About Death" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Gregory Reeves via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 877-210-0816.

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Original Source: Barb Leon, RN, MSN, PHN's New Book 'Walking Onto Sacred Ground' is a Collection of Memories From the Author's Career as a Nurse Shared to Help Ease Anxieties About Death

Juan Mateo’s New Book ‘Sparks Fly When Twin Flames Meet’ is a Poignant Poetry Collection About Love, Loss, and Triumphs

NEW YORK - August 16, 2022 - (

Fulton Books author Juan Mateo, a passionate adventurer who currently resides in Hawaii, has completed his most recent book "Sparks Fly When Twin Flames Meet": a heartfelt volume of poems that depicts the different stages of love. This is a young man's journey to self-discovery and growth as he searches for his one great love.

Mateo shares, "A young man's struggle throughout trials of the heart. Ups and downs, twists and turns, in pursuit of a twin flame. A chapbook of the stages of love."

Published by Fulton Books, Juan Mateo's book is an empowering read that reflects on the tough journey of finding someone who will elevate one's soul. 

The poems in this chapbook stir a lot of emotions. It's certainly a good read.

Readers who wish to experience this compelling work can purchase "Sparks Fly When Twin Flames Meet" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Author Support via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 877-210-0816. 

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Original Source: Juan Mateo's New Book 'Sparks Fly When Twin Flames Meet' is a Poignant Poetry Collection About Love, Loss, and Triumphs

Ted Knipe’s New Book ‘My Name is Blossom’ is an Inspiring Tale That Highlights a Mother’s Unconditional Love

NEW YORK - August 16, 2022 - (

Fulton Books author Ted Knipe, a retired psychology professor, has completed his most recent book "My Name is Blossom": a lovely volume that celebrates the strength of a mother. This is about a green-eyed feral cat and the things she is willing to do for the sake of her two kittens.

Knipe shares, "It's not easy being single with two kids, especially if you're a feral cat.

"This book tells the story of green-eyed Iris, how she finds a home in a wonderful garden for herself and for her two kittens and learns to get along with the resident dog with the help of a wise old owl and a mysterious stranger who possesses unusual talents."

Published by Fulton Books, Ted Knipe's book is a beautiful picture book that reinforces themes of friendship, compassion, and maternal love.

It's a story that will surely delight readers of all ages.

Readers who wish to experience this endearing work can purchase "My Name is Blossom" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Author Support via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 877-210-0816. 

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Original Source: Ted Knipe's New Book 'My Name is Blossom' is an Inspiring Tale That Highlights a Mother's Unconditional Love

Kenlyn Kolleen’s New Book ‘Forever Blue’ Is An Endearing Children’s Book That Honors The Deep Bonds Between People and Their Pets

ENCINITAS, Calif. - August 16, 2022 - (

Fulton Books author Kenlyn Kolleen, a women empowerment leader, has completed her most recent book "Forever Blue," a children's book, based on a true story of loving and letting go of a beloved dying dog. Through a dream, the reader is taken on a journey into another realm where a bigger picture of death emerges that is both poignant and comforting, especially for those who have lost a pet.

Kolleen shares, "Forever Blue is the story of a mini Australian shepherd named Blue. Blue enjoys a wonderful life of love and care, and she brings joy to all who meet her. When Blue is old and no longer able to run and play, she appears to her human mom in a dream.

In the dream, Blue and her mom are in a tropical paradise where Blue is happy and free. There, Blue asks her mom to let her go. This dream feels so real that when Blue's mom wakes up she gathers her family and friends to share the news: 'Blue is going to die soon.'

Through the beautiful illustrations, we see Blue's spirit leave her body and travel to a place where she can feel all life moving through her. Blue's family and friends are there when she dies, and soon after they set up an altar to connect with Blue's spirit. The children participate in loving and letting go of Blue and imagine who her spirit will become next. One thing is certain, Blue will remain in their hearts forever.

Forever Blue is a deep but simple story that assists readers of every age to sweetly embrace the vastness of the journey of life and death.

This book is for children ages four to eight years, their parents, and anyone who has lost a beloved animal companion."

Published by Fulton Books, Kenlyn Kolleen's book is a heartening story that captures a woman's love for her dog and honors the hardest decision -- to let her go -- as part of the natural cycle of life. 

This read is meant to comfort both adults and children.

Readers who wish to experience this deeply moving work can purchase "Forever Blue" at select bookstores, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Author Support via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 877-210-0816. 

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Original Source: Kenlyn Kolleen's New Book 'Forever Blue' Is An Endearing Children's Book That Honors The Deep Bonds Between People and Their Pets

Fadi Yousef’s New Book ‘The Homeless Gentleman’ is a Collection of Poetry That Explores the Various Perplexing Aspects of Life and Explains Them Through...

WORCESTER, Mass. - August 16, 2022 - (

Fulton Books author Fadi Yousef, who works as an instructional assistant for kids with special needs, has completed his most recent book "The Homeless Gentleman": a stirring assortment of poems and ruminations that takes readers on an astounding journey through the universe and the grand mysteries of life.

"Dive into the ocean that is the English language in the style known as romantic existentialism," writes Yousef. "Go on a journey into the impossible made possible. Stretch your heart and mind and imagination to the depths of the universe and back. Go on adventures that will lead you to emotions you never knew you had. Visit depths of thought which will lead you to love and heartbreak, seasons which know the living and the passed. Die and breathe with me in war and silent peace, times of fruitful plenty, and times of death's scarce bones. Enjoy endings where you find yourself alone on an island examining the flesh and breath of your existence. With vivid imagery that won't leave you in the dark unless we are paying homage to the sacred night. So pack your bags and trip with me as we travel from your soul to your heart to your mind. We will trudge through sun and moon, rivers and oceans, man to woman to child, blood and laughter, and universes of little secrets in your psyche all in the comfort of your own eyes."

Published by Fulton Books, Fadi Yousef's writings will enthrall readers as he shares his deepest thoughts on the state of the world and the human condition. Thoughtfully crafted, each poem is a wondrous look into Yousef's mind, and a moving tribute to the heartbreak and beauty of humanity and the world. 

Readers who wish to experience this inspiring work can purchase "The Homeless Gentleman" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Gregory Reeves via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 877-210-0816.

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Original Source: Fadi Yousef's New Book 'The Homeless Gentleman' is a Collection of Poetry That Explores the Various Perplexing Aspects of Life and Explains Them Through Beautiful Prose

Donna English’s New Book ‘The 9 G’s’ is an Amusing Fictional Novel That Follows 9 Kid’s Journey to Find the Tree of Life

PLANTATION, Fla. - August 16, 2022 - (

Fulton Books author Donna English, a mother of two daughters, has used her nonprofit work experience and her experience teaching Sunday School to depict a story for readers both young and old. This heartwarming story uses the characters to describe the 9 Gifts of the Spirit narrated by Faith, whose birth parents were born in India and who is one of the nine children. These nine children are from diverse cultures and have been adopted into a loving family. This is a story of adventure and a family working together. 

English shares, "The 9G's is a story of nine school-aged children of various ethnic backgrounds, brought together through adoption by an extremely affluent family.  This story of intrigue, betrayal and near-death experiences is narrated by Faith, one of the 9G's whose delightful and charismatic demeanor invites you to love her. Accustomed to doing everything together, one day the children set out on an adventure to find the Tree of Life, referred to solely as TOL. They embark on their exciting journey as they venture to find TOL, acquire superpowers and learn to use them."

Published by Fulton Books, Donna English's book is a beautiful read that celebrates diversity and unconditional familial love. The read is definitely a fun, exciting, and heartwarming experience.

This read teaches readers, young and old, the essence of inclusion, compassion and empathy.

Readers who wish to experience this compelling work can purchase "The 9 G's" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Author Support via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 877-210-0816. 

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Original Source: Donna English's New Book 'The 9 G's' is an Amusing Fictional Novel That Follows 9 Kid's Journey to Find the Tree of Life

James Edward Ayers’ New Book ‘A Walk Through Time and Space’ is a Creative Coalition of Ideas and Imagination Spread Across 30 Pieces of...

FREDERICKSBURG, Va. - August 16, 2022 - (

Fulton Books author James Edward Ayers, a retired educator, has completed his most recent book "A Walk Through Time and Space": a heartwarming and stirring source of entertainment for readers, young and old. It is composed of different selections that each paint a story for everyone to enjoy.

Ayers shares, "What are we looking for when we buy a book to read? A sigh of time when the body relaxes and the brain still works, an escape to another place and time. Entertainment in any venue, whether it be action, inspirational, educational, dark, light, comedy, 'how to,' and on and on, 'different strokes for different folks.'

"This book is different in that it is made up of 30 writings, each piece was written in my own personal style. I have a mailing list of 30 people that have read each piece as it was written, and from them, perhaps a hundred more read each piece. Many of these readers encouraged me to put the pieces into book form and let everyone read them. So here we are, I hope you find this book entertaining and enlightening, incremental reading at its best."

Published by Fulton Books, James Edward Ayers' writings give his readers a collection of stories that can be read in any order. One can pick this book up and start the traditional way, or flip it from the back, or get creative and open it somewhere in the middle. It's full of surprising and interesting tales that really get one going.

Readers who wish to experience this brilliant work can purchase "A Walk Through Time and Space" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Author Support via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 877-210-0816.

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Original Source: James Edward Ayers' New Book 'A Walk Through Time and Space' is a Creative Coalition of Ideas and Imagination Spread Across 30 Pieces of Literary Works

Author Marty Naylor’s New Book, ‘Except the Lord Build the House,’ is a Faith-Based Journey of a Woman Whose Beliefs Are Challenged Through Difficult...

Recent release 'Except the Lord Build the House' from Covenant Books author Marty Naylor is a compelling tale of a Christian woman who faces much difficulty and hardship in her life, finding her faith to be challenged by her circumstances. For believers struggling with the same in their life, one woman's journey will remind those of faith to keep their hearts and minds open and that God will see them through.

RICHMOND, Va. - August 16, 2022 - (

Marty Naylor, a talented author, has completed her new book, "Except the Lord Build the House":  a faith-based read on overcoming challenges to faith.

Naylor shares, "Do you often wonder if you have the faith it takes to meet your daily needs? Do you long for someone to understand the difficulties in your life? Have you ever questioned, 'Why me?' Have you wondered if God does hear or care about your circumstances? Do you feel like you are spiritually in a rut and no longer growing? You are not alone in this life's struggles. Except the Lord Build the House (A Labor of Faith) is a journey through an ordinary life of a believer as difficult circumstances challenge beliefs and faith in God, requiring extraordinary faith. Employing a somewhat humorous glimpse into life's daily struggles, follow the story of what it takes to build a strong everyday faith in the Creator of the universe. Join the author as she builds a house, both literally and spiritually, that will honor God. Through the joys and pitfalls of constructing a home, raising children, dealing with financial stress, and health issues, as well as ministry, God shows Himself powerful to this young family. You may even find glimpses of your life paralleled in this short novel. Know that Jehovah Nissi (the Lord My Banner) has you in His thoughts and has a perfect plan for your life."

Published by Covenant Books of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, Marty Naylor's new book shares a relatable story of a woman facing hardship who sees God's love and power even in his darkest times.

Readers can purchase "Except the Lord Build the House" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

Covenant Books is an international Christian-owned and operated publishing house based in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Covenant Books specializes in all genres of work that appeal to the Christian market. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Covenant Books at 843-507-8373.   

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Original Source: Author Marty Naylor's New Book, 'Except the Lord Build the House,' is a Faith-Based Journey of a Woman Whose Beliefs Are Challenged Through Difficult Circumstances

Author Jay Johnson’s New Book, ‘God’s Voice,’ is a Compelling Tale of One Man’s Journey From a Life of Recklessness to One of Purpose

Recent release 'God's Voice' from Covenant Books author Jay Johnson is a firsthand tale of the way that believers who walk with God are an expression of His voice. Sharing his own story of how he journeyed from lost and reckless to finding purpose in God's mission for him.

BREWSTER, N.Y. - August 16, 2022 - (

Jay Johnson, a talented faith-based author, has completed his new book, "God's Voice":  a compelling faith-based tale sharing his journey to living in God's image and likeness.

Johnson shares, "God's Voice was the title chosen to represent this book for two essential reasons. First, we must come to a revelation that as people, we are members of a unique race, and that is defined as mankind. As such, we have been created in the image of God for the purpose of a relationship with him, as well as with each other. Just as people are relational and communicate with one another in various ways, we should have an expectation of communication with God. This book goes into great detail while sharing firsthand experiences of how God's voice leads a man from a life of recklessness and impulsiveness to one now being used for specific missions and assignments as God directs him.

"The second reason for choosing this title is to illustrate that any person walking in relationship with God is now an expression of his voice. Jesus came as the Redeemer and Messenger, and now we have been commissioned to carry the message of life."

Published by Covenant Books of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, Jay Johnson's new book shares his personal story along with an encouraging message that when believers open their hearts to God's love, He will guide their way.

Readers can purchase "God's Voice" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

Covenant Books is an international Christian-owned and operated publishing house based in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Covenant Books specializes in all genres of work that appeal to the Christian market. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Covenant Books at 843-507-8373.   

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Original Source: Author Jay Johnson's New Book, 'God's Voice,' is a Compelling Tale of One Man's Journey From a Life of Recklessness to One of Purpose

W5 Consulting Introduces Gateway Architects’ Meister Core™ SAP Acceleration Software to Denodo Users

W5 Consulting Introduces Gateway Architects’ Meister Core™ SAP Acceleration Software to Denodo Users
Gateway Architects

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DENVER - August 16, 2022 - (

W5 Consulting, a Denodo Silver Partner, today announced a strategic data solution for Denodo's SAP customers — Gateway Architects' Meister Core™ software. The strategic partnership will provide Denodo customers with the proprietary Meister Core™ technology that gives users real-time access to accurate data from SAP.

Meister Core™ is an SAP-certified ABAP extension containing an in-memory cross-compiler, transactional caching engine and API manager. Meister was developed to address performance issues associated with the traditional way that many transactional and data-mining processes at SAP are executed to date. 

"We are very excited to be partnering with W5 and Gateway Architects, on utilizing our joint engagement with their Meister offering, which will enable our SAP customers to integrate their data much more quickly and efficiently than ever before," said Suresh Chandrasekaran, EVP at Denodo.

Denodo users will now experience automatic, real-time caching refresh of complex SAP data at a transaction level — no batch cache refreshes are needed. Built-in data compression reduces cloud data transmission loads by 85% to 90%, and there are no limits on data structure widths/volumes.

"It is a pleasure to collaborate with Denodo, an international leader in data management solutions, who delivers a measurable ROI to their customers through quicker time-to-market, lower TCO and governed access to trusted data. Adding our Meister Core™ technology will turbocharge ROI on all levels," said William Mays, Chairman of Gateway Architects. "We look forward to showcasing the added benefits of our combined technologies in an upcoming webinar and live demo."

The Denodo Platform is powered by data virtualization technology, which marks a paradigm shift in the approach that organizations take towards accessing, integrating, and provisioning the data required to meet business goals. The Denodo Platform simplifies data access from a myriad of legacy and modern data sources, making critical business information immediately available to end users through consuming applications. Denodo's platform innovations, including dynamic data cataloging, dynamic query optimization and in-memory massive parallel processing, make the analytics journey compelling.

"The Meister SAP accelerator solution will bring tremendous performance, cost benefits and a new level of caching capabilities to SAP customers using Denodo to reduce data warehouse latencies and growth constraints," said Scott Cunningham, Managing Partner of W5 Consulting. 

About W5 Consulting

For over 25 years, W5 Consulting has built, advised, designed, implemented, supported, and trained more than 800 clients in reporting, ERP, governance, data, solutions, and web applications. For W5, client projects are focused not on the technology but on the business solution. As a first step in each client engagement, W5 evaluates processes and seeks to understand the culture. Only then does W5 provide advice on how SAP, Denodo, Oracle or any other technology (such as Meister) fits into each client's individual business needs. For more information, visit or call +1 303-390-1018. 

About Gateway Architects

Headquartered in Frisco, Texas, Gateway Architects develops, deploys, and supports a performance software solution that shortens SAP implementations while delivering unparalleled data access and accuracy. Gateway Architects' flagship offering, Meister Core™ technology, is a transactional cache and trans-compiler platform that provides real-time data access (in volume), thus dramatically increasing performance, accuracy, analytics capability, and timeliness of results. The company offers a series of integration engines and applications that deliver a Day 2 ROI for its clients. Learn more at or call +1 214-974-8383.

About Denodo

Denodo is a leader in data management. The award-winning Denodo Platform is the leading data integration, management, and delivery platform using a logical approach to enable self-service BI, data science, hybrid/multi-cloud data integration, and enterprise data services. Realizing more than 400% ROI and millions of dollars in benefits, Denodo's customers across large enterprises and mid-market companies in 30+ industries have received payback in less than six months. For more information, visit or call +1 877 556 2531 (US) / +44 (0) 20 7869 8053 (UK) / +65 6950 7489 (Singapore).

Lauren Yates
[email protected]

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Original Source: W5 Consulting Introduces Gateway Architects' Meister Core™ SAP Acceleration Software to Denodo Users
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