Saturday, July 27, 2024

Michigan and Oregon Dispensaries Embrace True Native Mobile Apps to Drive Brand-Centric Customer Loyalty in 2024

Michigan and Oregon Dispensaries Embrace True Native Mobile Apps to Drive Brand-Centric Customer Loyalty in 2024

The New Lake Effect Mobile App Built by Digital Awesome

The New Amsterdam Mobile App

The New Amsterdam Mobile App Built by Digital Awesome

DispensaryMate mobile app screens

Digital Awesome’s Fully Custom and Integrated Mobile Shopping & Rewards Solution for Cannabis Dispensaries

Leading dispensaries in Michigan and Oregon have turned a new leaf in their customer engagement strategies by adopting true native mobile apps.

We’re bridging the gap between the cannabis retail experience and what consumers expect from big-name retail apps.”

— Mark Nelson, CEO of Digital Awesome

PALMDALE, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, February 26, 2024 / — Leading dispensaries in Michigan and Oregon have turned a new leaf in their customer engagement strategies. They are now adopting true native mobile apps to enhance customer experiences and foster brand loyalty.

Michigan’s 24-hour dispensary, Lake Effect, and Oregon’s The New Amsterdam are among the pioneers of this customer-centric innovation in their respective states. The move heralds a shift in how dispensaries interact with their customers, making purchasing cannabis as straightforward and enjoyable as ordering a cup of coffee. All with the goal to increase sales, expand reach, and cultivate customer loyalty in this highly competitive industry.

The custom native mobile apps, developed by Digital Awesome, offer an uninterrupted in-app shopping experience, real-time order tracking, and an integrated rewards program for dispensaries. These apps serve as a gateway for enhanced loyalty efforts on mobile.
They leverage push notifications for targeted promotions, educational content within the app, and gamified rewards like digital punch cards and custom achievements. These features generate repeat purchases by giving customers a dopamine-rush, keeping them engaged within the ecosystem of a dispensary.

Digital Awesome’s CEO, Mark Nelson, explains the vision behind their innovative technology: “We’re bridging the gap between the cannabis retail experience and what consumers have come to expect from big-name retail apps. With our enhanced methods of engagement, dispensaries can keep their customers within their own business, reducing the risk of losing them to competition. Currently, there’s no one in the industry doing what we’re doing here in terms of mobile apps – not at the level our technology provides, at least. So it’s pretty exciting for the select dispensaries that are onboard our platform,” he adds.

These native cannabis mobile apps use true native mobile development languages and all brought together by proprietary engineering and direct API integrations with Jane Technologies, Dutchie, Greenbits, Springbig, and Onfleet among other leading providers.

To explore these new waves of cannabis mobile apps, customers can visit the App Store today and try the Lake Effect or The New Amsterdam app.

For more information about Digital Awesome and their pioneering work in cannabis retail technology, visit Book an expert-guided demo on the website or email [email protected].

Mark Nelson
Digital Awesome
[email protected]
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True Native Mobile Apps For Dispensaries

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